Επέζησε από το Ολοκαύτωμα, συνελήφθη στο Μιζούρι στα 90 της

2014-08-20 00 hedy epsteinH Hedy Epstein, ενενηντάχρονη επιζήσασα του Ολοκαυτώματος, συνελήφθη τη Δευτέρα κατά τη διάρκεια διαμαρτυρίας μπροστά στο γραφείο του κυβερνήτη του Μιζούρι  (βλέπε παρακάτω το συναρπαστικό βιογραφικό της -στα αγγλικά- από τη Wikipedia)​

Όπως αναφέρει η ιστοσελίδα kmov.com, η Epstein, η οποία είχε βοηθήσει τις συμμαχικές δυνάμεις στη δίκη της Νυρεμβέργης,  συνελήφθη μαζί με 8 ακόμη άτομα στο Μιζούρι, το απόγευμα της Δευτέρας, σε διαμαρτυρία κατά της επιστράτευσης της Εθνοφρουράς από τον κυβερνήτη της Πολιτείας. Η 90χρονη, πολιτική ακτιβίστρια και υποστηρίκτρια του κινήματος «Free Gaza» δήλωσε ότι διαδηλώνει από τότε που ήταν έφηβη αλλά «δεν περίμενε ότι θα χρειαζόταν να το κάνει στα 90».Η φωτογραφία από τη σύλληψη της Hedy Epstein με τη χαρακτηριστική μπλούζα «stay human» («μείνε άνθρωπος»):

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​Πηγή: left:gr​


Epstein was born to a Jewish family in Freiburg, Germany, and in 1939 fled Nazi persecution via the Kindertransport to England. All but two of her family were killed at Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust. During World War II she worked in munitions factories and joined a group of left-wing German Jewish refugees who hoped to re-introduce democracy in their homeland – "the foundation of my political education which still stands me in good stead today," she says. Some 60 years later, she was interviewed about this experience for the film Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport.[3][4]

2014-08-20 01 hedy epsteinAfter the war, Epstein worked with the Allied occupying forces in Germany, including working on the Doctors' Trial at Nuremberg. In 1948 she immigrated to New York City, then moved to Minneapolis, and then to St. Louis, Missouri. There, she took up activism for affordable housing, the pro-choice movement, and the antiwar movement.[3][5][6] In 1982, news reports of the Sabra and Shatila massacres committed by a Lebanese Phalangist militia with the complicity of the IDF, during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon, "horrified" Epstein. Her reaction was to take a different perspective on the Arab–Israeli conflict; she began to express opposition to Israel's military policies. In 2001, she founded a St. Louis chapter of the Women in Black, an anti-war group that originally focused on Israel's occupation. In 2003 she traveled to the West Bank to work with the International Solidarity Movement. She has returned once a year since, claiming to "CounterPunch" that she had been strip searched and cavity searched in 2004 by guards at Ben Gurion International Airport



2014-08-20 04 wanted-hedyIn August, 2008, Epstein planned to be on board the Free Gaza Movement's ship attempting to break Israel's naval "blockade" of Gaza, but had to cancel due to poor health

In December 2009 she traveled to Cairo to take part in the planned Gaza Freedom March, a march with Palestinians protesting the blockade of Gaza. When Egypt closed the border, some 1,300 international activists--Epstein among them--remained in Cairo for a week, demonstrating daily.

In 2010, she embarked on one of the ships that intended to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, but decided in Cyprus, not to take part in the trip.

She also planned to take part in the 2011 flotilla as well.

Epstein was arrested for failure to disperse on August 18, 2014 during a St. Louis protest against the killing of Michael Brown and subsequent police actions

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